When you purchase courses from QualityTrainingPortal, you are hiring a trainer. We expect potential customers to do a thorough “job interview” to make sure you are getting the best trainer for your needs.

Our Value Proposition

Help improve your quality and productivity efforts

  • One-stop shopping for training on tools & techniques for quality and productivity
  • Time tested; providing computer-based training since 1995.
  • Courses are developed by practitioners with years of industry experience.

Pay only for what you need

  • You can provide your learners training for only a specific topic, or…
  • Create your own custom multi-course curriculums.
  • Comprehensive master courses, short overview courses and short courses on targeted
    subjects are offered.

Have confidence in the course content

  • Solid, industry-accepted content
  • Courses are current and compliant to industry standards and updated as standards
  • Used by many Fortune 500 companies

Easy for learners

  • Asynchronous learning available 24/7/365 from any computer or tablet
  • Easy login with bookmarking upon logout
  • Table of Contents to move around in the courses
  • Reference Guides are downloadable (and/or printable) takeaways for learners
  • Printable and downloadable course completion certificates are available
  • CEUs (continuing education units) and RUs (recertification units) are awarded upon
    successful completion of course tests

Easy for administrators

  • Administrators have complete administrative control
  • Simple yet comprehensive reporting features are available
  • Tools are available to help improve training completion rates
  • No plugins are required


  • No travel costs to take training
  • Minimize downtime needed for training
  • Online training yields substantial savings over seminars or instructor-led training

Low cost of entry

  • There are no big upfront costs
  • Pay only for training; the administrative tools are free
  • Subscription plans start at $790

Have your own LMS?

  • No problem, we can Integrate to your SCORM LMS
  • No charge for LMS-to-LMS integration