Person using QualityTrainingPortal online training.

Now it’s easy to get access to the same, high-quality training used at major corporations worldwide! 

  • Just purchase training credits from our online store.  This will establish an account for you in QualityTrainingPortal and it will be set-up with the number of credits you purchased.  Then, assign yourself the training course or courses you wish to take.
  • Once you assign a course, you have 30 days to complete it.
  • We recommend assigning one course at a time.  While your training credits are good for one year from the date of purchase, once you use a training credit to assign a course, you only have 30 days to complete that course.
  • BONUS CREDITS When you purchase 3 or more training credits, we give you bonus training credit!
  • Credits must be used within one year of purchasing them and can only be used by the person they were purchased for.  Credits that have expired can be renewed by purchasing additional credits. With a minimum purchase of 1/2 credit, all unused credits will be “rolled over” for another year.
  • If you need to train more than one person, please consider one of our business subscription plans.

Suggested Curriculums and Credits Required