Training Administrator Help

Corporate Announcements

Important Note:

  • This feature is available to Corporate Subscriptions only.
  • Corporate Announcements can only be written by Corporate Administrators.

How Announcements Work

Corporate Announcements show up in the Learner Dashboard and the Administration Dashboard. They show up as a tab along with QTP News which is also a tab. If your company hasn’t created any announcements, then only QTP News will show.

QualityTrainingPortal Admin Menu Writing Announcements Display-in-Learner Dashboard

Announcements provide a way to communicate important information to learners. To write announcements, click on Write Announcements in Subscription Details in the Administration Menu.

QualityTrainingPortal Admin Menu Writing Announcements-1

Use the WYSIWYG Editor to write your announcement.  After you have saved your announcement, be sure to view it in the Learner Dashboard to assure it looks the way you want it to look.

QualityTrainingPortal Admin Menu Writing Announcements WYSIWYG Editor