Training Administrator Help

Reminder Emails

What are Reminder Emails?

Email reminders enable you to follow-up with users and remind them of training deadlines or congratulate them for completing Courses. We find organizations that effectively use Course Email Reminders have better training completion rates and thus get better value from QualityTrainingPortal.

There are several ways to send Reminder Emails to your learners:

  • Fully-Automated | These automatically go out each Monday morning. The administrator just needs to tell us to set it up and doesn’t have to worry about it again. These emails cannot be customized and go to everyone who fits within the criteria.
  • Easy Semi-Automated | These reminders are easily sent from the Administrator’s Dashboard. The emails cannot be customized and the list to recipients is based on a set criteria. However, the administrator can pick and choose who, from the list of recipients that fits the criteria, should be sent the email.
  • Semi-Automated | The administrator has complete control over the criteria for who will receive the reminder email. There are 3 standard emails and additional custom emails can be made for Large Team and Corporate subscriptions upon request.