Training Administrator Help

Fully Automated

Fully-Automated Reminder Emails

This is our “set it and forget it” option. While there isn’t a lot of flexibility to it, you don’t need to worry about the task of sending out Reminder Emails on a regular basis. These emails get automatically sent out on Monday mornings around 7am Eastern US Time.

The emails are exactly the same emails that get sent out if the Training Admin sent reminders from the dashboard. There are two Reminder Types:

  • Due in 2 weeks: Training is incomplete or not started and is due in the next 14 days. Learners who fall into this category can get up to 2 emails. Once a course is complete the emails will stop.
  • Past Due: Training is incomplete or not started and was due in the past 90 days. Learners who fall into this category can get up to 12 emails. Once a course is complete the emails will stop.

What do the Reminder Emails Say?

Training is Due Soon Email Text:

Dear [firstname],

This is a reminder that you have training course(s) through QualityTrainingPortal that are not complete but are due in the near future. Here are the course(s) and the target completion date for each:

[list courses not completed within the date range]

You should plan to complete this training on or before the Target Completion Date.

If you have any questions about the training or have a business reason that you need to request an extended completion date, please email me directly. For your convenience, I have added your login details below my signature.

[Training Group Administrator First Name and Last Name]
[Training Group Administrator Email Address]
Training Group Administrator

Web-Based Training Access

To get started, go to:

Or go to and click on the “Learner Login” link in the top right hand corner of the webpage.

At the login screen, please enter the following information:

Corporate ID: [corporateid]
Username: [username]
Password: *****

For security, we have not included your password. If you do not know your password, you will be able to retrieve it from the login screen with the corporate ID and Username.

Training is Past Due Email Text:

Dear [firstname],

The course(s) assigned to you through are now past the Targeted Completion Date as shown below:

[list courses not completed within the date range]

This is a friendly reminder that you should complete the course(s) within the next week. If you have any questions about the training or have a business reason that you need to request an extended completion date, please email me directly. For your convenience, I have added your login details below my signature.

[Training Group Administrator First Name and Last Name]
[Training Group Administrator Email Address]
Training Group Administrator

Web-Based Training Access

To get started, go to:

Or go to and click on the “Learner Login” link in the top right hand corner of the webpage.

At the login screen, please enter the following information:

Corporate ID: [corporateid]
Username: [username]
Password: *****

For security, we have not included your password. If you do not know your password, you will be able to retrieve it from the login screen with the corporate ID and Username.

These emails cannot be modified.

If You Want to Set-Up This Option

Let us know if you want to set up this option. We will talk with you about nominating an Email Reminder Administrator, go over how the emails work and that’s it.  You can end the automated emails at any time just by letting us know.