Learner Help

Why aren’t the pages I have visited being tracked?

We have never tracked pages visited because of our philosophy of how adults learn. Many people who take our training are using it as a refresher or are already using some of the concepts presented in the course in their jobs. We don’t believe that learners should have to go through the basics of concepts they are already comfortable with. Adult learners will seek to learn information they need to perform a task. In our mind, this is a strong benefit of online learning vs. classroom training. In the classroom, everyone must go through every concept as a group; whether some of them have prior knowledge or not.

For this reason, learners are not required to go through every page of every lesson. So, content modules are only marked as complete if the learner gets to the end of the module and either exits from that page or clicks on the button “Exit and Mark as Complete.”

 QualityTrainingPortal Learner Mark Complete

However, Challenges MUST be successfully completed in order for a course to be considered complete.